B}Verse asked us to do a 2v2 with him and their applicant, noobicus, so we agreed and had a jolly good time.
First match - Their pick
So yeah their pick kinda shocked us cuz waffles and I both predicted some TKTF hahahaha
But yeah we did quite well, waffles defended and I flag-ran and we were a pretty good team.
There were some incidents where they double teamed us when we were separated, which got ugly haha, but a few times my trusty shotgun got me a double splatter on em so I was able to escape with my life.
Second match - Our pick
So yeah this was another very intense match where they had the early lead on us. This time waffles and I swapped roles throughout the match and that helped us rack up flags haha. Waffles wanted CTF while I picked power, though waffles next time we can do your pick (ac_outpost)
GGs B} and I hope Noobicus gets into the clan