1. Name (first name is fine): Johnny
2. In-Game name(s) (list all): PhaNtom and a bunch of random aliases.
3. Country + Timezone: 'Murica and I think GMT-4, not sure though. I'm Central Timezone in America
4. Age: 17 in a few days.
5. Gender: Mail.
6. What good will/can you bring to =SA=?:Hopefully a lot of things
A list of the things I want to do are:
Server/website hosting.
And other similar things.
7. How long you have been playing AC?: I started in October 2012. I'm terrible at math so you can figure it out from there
8. Do you know any =SA= members?: As a former =SA= member...yes.
9. Other clans you have been in? Why you left?: Oh god this'll be long.
Started out with ~>WTF<~ way back in my noob days, in November of 2012. We were all a bunch of TOSOK noobs and proud of it.
During my time in ~>WTF<~ I started a clan called |dc. I had no clue double-clanning was wrong, and the ~>WTF<~ people were all fine with it. Eventually ~>WTF<~ died and all the members joined |dc. That was really when I had most fun in AC. Only a few of the |dc members were any good (and I wasn't one of them) but we had a helluva lot of fun together.
Anyway after that a former member impersonating me and was being nasty to my other members, causing the people in my clan to all leave because of what they thought I did. If you're wondering why I hate impersonators this is why. So I started Lw after that. Yes the tag is horrible haha.
That died, I apped for Pi, was denied because I was an immature idiot, joined |uRs|, found out they were all brazilian and I couldn't even read their website, so left that.
I then started another clan called |E$C| with the brother of a friend of mine (yikes) called Exie. We eventualy decided we were really getting anywhere with this, so we decided to app for =SA=.
You know everything that happened after this haha.
Basically I left =SA= because of the inactivity. Got numerous invites for different clans, denied them for B}. I made it into B}, and recently left because I didn't really fit there.
And now here I am. I've made plenty of poor decisions clan wise, but each situation has matured me (and my other =SA= app matured me the most of all). I hope it'll be the same this time around!
10. How often/how many hours you play per day?: Depends on the day. I'm usually on IRC/TS/Skype for 12 hours a day, although not necessarily playing all that time.
11. Have you ever been blacklisted? (Before/Now) Why?: From AC? No. From a few of the servers, yes. Most of it was just because someone didn't like me
12. Have you read the =SA= clan roster, the message for applicants and the =SA= rules and the thread concerning teamspeak client: Yes.
13. Contract with =SA=: If you agree to all rules, write this: "I have read all rules and promise to stick to the rules. I have also clicked on all links above and read all infos and agree to them." Then sign with your name/gamertag. I have read all rules and promise to stick to the rules. I have also clicked on all links above and read all infos and agree to them.
PhaNtom, may your frags be plenty
P.S. Hell yeah!