currently a map i started is coming along fairly nicely. there have been a few setbacks (my own ineptitude) but setbacks aside, tentative release date is may 20th.
before this release there will be a variety of viewings and testings. i am asking every =sa= member to approach me about seeing it to give me their feedback.
also i plan to host a final beta test party once any glitches/mistakes are hammered out through meticulous testing. some members of interest i hope will participate are members of {BoB}, HyPE, =SA=, |KH|.
i would like any and all criticisms. i have a very thick hide.
credits go to mr_optic (texture wizard) who has put a lot of life and colour into the map (as well as structure). and Darkside who has subtly fixed many of my mistakes and given some great gameplay feedback. macm has also given me some advice and thrawn has been invaluable to me learning the mechanics of the client. Thanks to all your help and hard-work and keeping me sane while i rage
. love you guys
also i intend to try and release the map before this date. but i want to give myself some breathing room. we'll hope for the best (fingers crossed)