Specter, Thanks for making us aware of this incident. If you refer to our clan roster you will see this person does not belong to =SA=. I do understand it is hard to get the screenshot and ip info after you have been kicked. If you see someone trolling or being abusive under the =SA= clan tag it is most likely an imposter. You can obtain an abuser's info from the /whois cn command in game. Please notify us immediately with the details. Otherwise there's not much we can do to help but keep an eye out for this person.
There is also a blacklist thread on the AC forums for other server admins to add an ip/ip range to their own blacklists. We absolutely do not tolerate bans/kicking/trolling/ or other abuse from our members. It is grounds for immediate dismissal. Sorry about the unfortunate incident.... I know it is frustrating being kicked for no reason.. it's just something you have to deal with in the public spectrum.